The ACNJ Chapter of The International DJ Café at Le Grand Fromage (25 Gordon's Alley, ACNJ 08401) is back to business on MONDAY, 3/24/14 and 3/31/14. We will be in the building from 9pm-2am(depending on the turn out, may shut down at 1am). NO COVER, 21 & up (ID a must). I am also announcing that starting in APRIL (on 4/14 & and 4/28), The ACNJ Chapter of TIDJC will be every 2nd and 4th MONDAY of each month. Anyone coming into AC on the AC Xwy, when you come into the city make a LEFT onto Atlantic Ave. Stay on Atlantic Ave until you get to PENNSYLVANIA Ave. (you will see a closed Pat's Steaks on the corner). Make a RIGHT on Pennsylvania Ave and then a LEFT into the parking lot. You will see the Le Grand Fromage sign, Can't miss it. All that can make it are welcome, hope to see you soon.
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